Doneer! Actieve solidariteit voor Kobane!

Nieuws, gepost door: op 10/10/2014 10:11:51

Wanneer: 10/10/2014 - 12:17

Amsterdam 10-10-2014
Beste leden van de Vrije Bond en andere geïnteresseerde (doorsturen is gewenst)
Betreft geld inzameling voor D.A.F. (Revolutionair Anarchistisch Front) Turkije i.v.m. actieve solidariteit rond Kobane in Syrië.

De solidariteitskas van de Vrije Bond heeft vandaag 500 euro (9-10-2014) overgemaakt naar de anarchistische organisatie D.A.F Devrimci Anar?ist Faaliyet (Revolutionair Anarchistisch Front). Door de loop der jaren zijn er verschillende ontmoetingen geweest tussen Nederlandse anarchisten (en Vrije Bond leden) en mensen van de D.A.F. De ervaring om met hen te spreken en te leren kennen, hebben altijd bijgedragen aan de overtuiging dat de kameraden van de D.A.F. zeer betrouwbaar zijn en zeer toegewijd aan de anarchistische zaak zijn.

Het duurde dan ook niet lang dat onze kameraden van de DAF zich zouden mengen in het conflict rond de stad Kobane op de Turkse Syrische grens, dat op dit moment al weken wordt belegerd door milities van de I.S. (islamitische Staat). Het geval wil dat anarchisten, revolutionaire linksen, koerden en andere groepen en individuen een autonome grenswacht hebben gevormd om mogelijke IS strijders te stoppen om vanuit Turkije naar Syrië te gaan. Ze proberen ook goederen voor de IS en de olie handel vanuit Syrië naar Turkije tegen te houden. De I.S. heeft grote olievoorraden en raffinaderijen in handen en financiert zo de oorlog.

Het tweede doel is om als waarnemer de Turkse politie, leger en douane te observeren en daarover te rapporteren wanneer die weer IS strijders toe laat vanuit Turkije, Syrië in. Dit is al meerdere malen aantoonbaar gebeurt. De politie en leger zitten niet te wachten op pottenkijkers en er zijn dagelijks rellen en botsingen met de waarnemers, Koerdische bewoners van de regio en andere solidaire groepen. Het lukt soms om grensovergangen te doorbreken of te bestormen zodat vluchtelingen vanuit Syrië Turkije in kunnen gaan en Koerdische strijders vanuit Turkije zich kunnen aansluiten bij de vechtende Koerdische milities zoals de JPG, gemengde Koerdische milities verbonden aan de PKK en de YPJ, milities die alleen bestaan uit vrouwen, ook verbonden aan de PKK.

De DAF heeft geld nodig om daar ter plekke direct hulp en ondersteuning te verrichten. Denk aan voedsel, medicijnen en andere hulpgoederen, maar ook communicatie apparatuur, scanners (om radio verkeer van leger en politie te luisteren), porto's, telefoonkaarten, foto en videoapparatuur. Vervoer vanuit Turkije naar de grens moet gefinancierd worden, zodat een steeds nieuwe aanwas van mensen aan de grens druk kan uitoefenen op politie en leger.

Wij als anarchisten voelen ons diep verbonden met de kameraden in Turkije en de Koerdische regio's en we willen een daad stellen tegen deze wereld van apathie en onverschilligheid. Daarom roepen wij een ieder op om geld te doneren voor de DAF of initiatieven te nemen om geld in te zamelen. Wij stellen de rekening van de Vrije Bond open voor een ieder die solidair is. Zodra er een aanzienlijk bedrag is maken wij dat direct over aan de DAF, bedragen die later binnen komen zullen later op plek van bestemming komen. De eerste 500 euro is al gearriveerd in Turkije.

Dus stort op:
IBAN: NL80INGB0005495473
T.n.v. Vrije Bond
te Amsterdam
o.v.v. : DAF

Er is de afgelopen dagen intensief contact geweest met de kameraden van de DAF en hieronder is een email die we vannacht hebben ontvangen, geen tijd voor vertaling, dus in het Engels.

Revolution will win in Kobanê!

Our Comrades in Boydê Village Reports:
It?s the 24th day of ISIS attacks on Kobanê. While people?s defending forces in all border villages are on human shield sentry for Kobanê against attacks, everyone, everywhere in the region we live, rised up not to let Kobanê fall.

We have been on human shield sentry for around three weeks in Boydê village west of Kobanê. In the last two days, explosions and sounds of clashes got intense in Kobanê?s outer districts and town center. During this period of intense clashes, military forces increased their attacks on human shield sentries at border villages. Soldiers of Turkish State has been attacking with gas bombs to those who approach the border from both sides, including the village that we are in, which was attacked on Tuesday. Soldiers also used live ammunition from time to time in their attacks and wounded people.

These attacks on border villages especially mean that ISIS forces are allowed passage through the border. Republic of Turkey?s support to ISIS is clearly visible here as it is there. Of course that?s not the only thing that is clear. We have learned that one of the ISIS leaders commanding the attack on Kobanê got killed by YPJ/YPG forces. Meanwhile clashes today are as intense as before and continued all day long. Sounds of clashes almost never stopped today. However now we know that explosions are made by YPJ/YPG forces. It?s reported that YPJ/YPG forces tactically emptied the streets of Kobanê at town center and ambushed ISIS, neutralizing them with successful tactics.
Everyone?s excited by what?s told at village meetings; one of them is ISIS? fear of women guerillas. ISIS represents the state, the terror, the massacre and also the patriarchy of course. Because of their belief that they cannot be so-called ?martyrs? when they get killed by a women guerilla, a YPJ fighter, they are scared of encountering YPJ forces. Because when they encounter them, the women who ?fight? against them show no mercy to the ISIS lot. This is the freedom against patriarchy created by YPJ fighting.
The rebellion that rises in all of Kurdistan and all cities of Anatolia in the last two days, makes us feel the invincibility of organized people. These rebellions increase the confidence in revolution for everyone in Kobanê, in villages at Kobanê border, and in all of Rojava. Whenever a sister or brother falls, although we feel the sorrow, it intensifies everyone?s anger and power here. Requiems that start with hitting on knees turn into halay dance with feet kicking fast and strong enough to crack the earth. Thus our sorrow bursts into anger, fast and strong.

This is just what everyone needs here. For the freedom and revolution that?s craved, despite everything.
Long live the People?s Kobanê Resistance!
Long live the People?s Rojava Revolution!
Long live our Revolutionary Anarchist Action!

Als aanvulling nog drie links (helaas facebook)
DAF met dagelijkse updates, soms in het Engels:
Anarchistische vrouwen organisatie, verbonden met de DAF:
De facebook van de Ierse Workers Solidarity Movement (anarchistische organisatie), hebben Turkse leden en vertalen vrije snel dingen naar het engels:

Vrije Bond
Postbus 16521
1001 RA Amsterdam
T: 0858778958

Tags: anarchisme kobane vrijebond


Heb net dit artikel gelezen, gaat over de DAF, daarin word vermeld dat mensen van de DAF 3 maal IN Kobane waren
Ik ga zeker doneeren!



A statement from Kurdish Revolutionary Anarchist Action (DAF) in Turkish border town just outside Kobane:

Revolution will win in Kobanê!

Our Comrades in Boydê Village Reports

It's the 24th day of ISIS attacks on Kobanê. While people's defending forces in all border villages are on human shield sentry for Kobanê against attacks, everyone, everywhere in the region we live, rised up not to let Kobanê fall.

We have been on human shield sentry for around three weeks in Boydê village west of Kobanê. In the last two days, explosions and sounds of clashes got intense in Kobanê's outer districts and town center. During this period of intense clashes, military forces increased their attacks on human shield sentries at border villages. Soldiers of Turkish State has been attacking with gas bombs to those who approach the border from both sides, including the village that we are in, which was attacked on Tuesday. Soldiers also used live ammunition from time to time in their attacks and wounded people.

These attacks on border villages especially mean that ISIS forces are allowed passage through the border. Republic of Turkey's support to ISIS is clearly visible here as it is there. Of course that's not the only thing that is clear. We have learned that one of the ISIS leaders commanding the attack on Kobanê got killed by YPJ/YPG forces. Meanwhile clashes today are as intense as before and continued all day long. Sounds of clashes almost never stopped today. However now we know that explosions are made by YPJ/YPG forces. It's reported that YPJ/YPG forces tactically emptied the streets of Kobanê at town center and ambushed ISIS, neutralizing them with successful tactics.

Everyone's excited by what's told at village meetings; one of them is ISIS' fear of women guerillas. ISIS represents the state, the terror, the massacre and also the patriarchy of course. Because of their belief that they cannot be so-called "martyrs" when they get killed by a women guerilla, a YPJ fighter, they are scared of encountering YPJ forces. Because when they encounter them, the women who "fight" against them show no mercy to the ISIS lot. This is the freedom against patriarchy created by YPJ fighting.

The rebellion that rises in all of Kurdistan and all cities of Anatolia in the last two days, makes us feel the invincibility of organized people. These rebellions increase the confidence in revolution for everyone in Kobanê, in villages at Kobanê border, and in all of Rojava. Whenever a sister or brother falls, although we feel the sorrow, it intensifies everyone's anger and power here. Requiems that start with hitting on knees turn into halay dance with feet kicking fast and strong enough to crack the earth. Thus our sorrow bursts into anger, fast and strong.

This is just what everyone needs here. For the freedom and revolution that's craved, despite everything.

Long live the People's Kobanê Resistance!
Long live the People's Rojava Revolution!
Long live our Revolutionary Anarchist Action!

Revolutionary Anarchist Action-DAF



In Shingal, Kobane and all Rojava, ISIS is Dehak and the people are Kawa

In Kurdistan, people are fighting against ISIS, “the procreated violence” given birth to by capitalism and the States that start wars for their own benefits. ISIS, the subcontractor of the States that pursue income strategies on the region, is attacking people while yelling “Islamic State!” and “holy war, jihad!”. People are suffering from hunger and thirst, getting ill, getting injured; migrating and dying. They are still fighting in that struggle for existence. People are fighting not for the schemes and strategies around meeting tables, not for income, but for their freedom.

As freedom is to exist in danger of being non-existent. As freedom is to live. Like the fight of Kawa, defending the life by resisting against Dehaks.

And now the USA, the EU, Turkey, all the states that have expectations of income from the region, are establishing coalitions against ISIS, the “procreated violence” which in reality isn’t a disturbance to them at all. The ones who don’t like their position in the coalition start scheming, relations are getting tense and loose and then tense again, while all the sides are changing their speech from dawn to dusk and acting inconsistently.

After all, this is the most obvious feature of any State. States can’t be expected to stand straight because States are spineless. Spineless States whose only expectation is income, would be founding ISIS yesterday, repenting it today and recognizing the Islamic State tomorrow. And people will always be fighting for their future and their freedom, just like in the past.

Salutations to everyone who fights and defends life in Rojava.

All the plots of States and capitalism will be destroyed, procreated violence will be extinguished, ISIS will lose against the freedom fighters and the people will be victorous as always. We take our belief in freedom from Kawa, who stood against Dehak. And we take our belief from the many comrades fighting against Dehaks.


Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet

Related Link:


Anarchist in support of Rojava-Kurdistan

This page is to reflect the news and information as well as activities by anarchists regarding Rojava/Kobani:



Against the terror of the State and religion. Freedom for the people.

In Rojava, the west Kurdistan, in Syrian territory, the Islamic State (Isis) attacked the city of Kobane, close to borders of Turkey, and the population is now facing the brutality of this authoritarian / obscurantist force.

Kurdistan, and other regions, is affected by violence the Islamic State (ISIS). The resistance of the people is admirable. These are the real forces of progress. There is, indeed, nothing to expect from military games in the United States, the European Union and regional powers. The various States involved are using the area as a battleground for their own strategy and to sell their weapons.

The role of the religious government of Turkey is crucial in the region. It prevents with violence the flow of refugee families then it leaves the Islamist fighters to Syria. So it is clear that Turkish government is effectively in war with the Kurdish people.

In the Kurdish regions, despite the war, a proclaimed "democratic" revolution appears to be taken with a form of "democratic confederalism". All this encourages us to continue our work and our support to the people of Kurdistan, and elsewhere, fighting against religious barbarism and against state oppression. From that position, we are against any military intervention by world or regional powers. We know that any statist intervention will act against social transformations.

Women are heavily invested in all aspects of society and resistance groups. This is a revolution of women against machismo and feudal society. This is probably one of the most important aspects of these events.

DAF (Revolutionary Anarchist Action), anarchist organisation in Turkey, provide assistance to refugees and those who fight the advance of Islamic State. We call on all anarchist organizations to organize demonstrations in support outside embassies in the street, in every possible place ; to disseminate information and build direct support with anarchist organizations in Turkey, Kurdistan and elsewhere who are fighting against the religious barbarism and state oppression.

For the emancipation of the people.
International solidarity.

CRIFA – International of Anarchist federations. Rome, 4-5 October 2014

To support the people in Kurdistan and the refuges, the International Anarchist Federations joins the initiative of DAF, anarchist group in Turkey, and is launching a new subscription. Send your donations to SEL (mention DAF) : IBAN : FR76 1027 8085 9000 0205 7210 175


This page is about Middle Eastern women and feminism, Women's liberation, race, class, Third World Feminism, and Third Wave Feminist theory:



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