
Thursday 29 juni 2017
Start:29/06/2017 19:00
Einde:29/06/2017 22:00

We gaan de komende maanden kijken hoe dit uitpakt. Komt er volk op af, gaan we er mee door. Komt er geen volk op af, gaan we wat anders doen

Want to talk to Vloerwerk in person? You can do so at our walk-in speaking hour. Every last thursday at the MKZ, Eerste Schinkelstraat 16, from 19:00. Next one: 29 june.

Start:29/06/2017 20:30

American Anarchist
Charlie Siskel, 2016, VS, 80'

Temidden van de onrust eind jaren 60, begin jaren 70 schreef William Powell op 19-jarige leeftijd het beruchte The Anarchist Cookbook. Het boek bevatte onder meer instructies voor het maken van bommen, drugs en 'phreaking'-apparaten. Filmmaker Charlie Siskel confronteert the 65-jarige Powell (net voor z'n dood) met de impact van z'n boek.

Kaartjes 5-7 euro.


Friday 30 juni 2017
Start:30/06/2017 20:00

Op vrijdagavond 30 juni hebben we in NieuwLand een boekpresentatie en discussie over het woonbeleid dat wonen onzeker maakt en over een politiek-economisch systeem dat bestaansonzekerheid creëert en oogst. Wat is nog leuker op een vrijdagavond?

Met Roel Griffioen, redacteur van het onlangs verschenen boek: De Frontlinie: Bestaansonzekerheid en gentrificatie in de Creatieve Stad.

En met Frank Keizer die enkele gedichten over precariteit voor zal dragen.

Start:30/06/2017 20:00
Einde:30/06/2017 23:59

fietsen tegen de dominante auwtocultuur, fietsen voor een schoner milieu, fietsen voor veiliger stadsverkeer, fietsen tegen de overlast van gemotoriseerd verkeer en fietsen omdat het leuk is.

critical mass berlin
30 juni 2017
20.00 - 23.59
verzamelen mariannenplatz

Start:30/06/2017 20:30

American Anarchist
Charlie Siskel, 2016, VS, 80'

Temidden van de onrust eind jaren 60, begin jaren 70 schreef William Powell op 19-jarige leeftijd het beruchte The Anarchist Cookbook. Het boek bevatte onder meer instructies voor het maken van bommen, drugs en 'phreaking'-apparaten. Filmmaker Charlie Siskel confronteert the 65-jarige Powell (net voor z'n dood) met de impact van z'n boek.

Kaartjes 5-7 euro.


Saturday 01 juli 2017
Start:01/07/2017 00:12

Since Cuadrilla began building a fracking pad at Preston New Road near Blackpool in January 2017, people have been at the roadside every day, putting their bodies on the line to stop this toxic industry. The resistance is working – supply chain companies are pulling out and the building schedule has been delayed by months.

This summer, as Cuadrilla gets nearer to trying to drill, Reclaim the Power is joining the frontline struggle in Lancashire to support and reinforce the amazing local resistance, and we invite you to join.

Start:01/07/2017 01:24

De eerstvolgende rit zal op 1 juli 2017 gereden worden in Amsterdam.
Rijders die met de trein komen kunnen van 12 tot 13.00u. verzamelen bij de oostelijke in-/uitgang van station Amstel en rijden dan in groepjes begeleid naar Park Frankendael. Anderen kunnen beter direct naar het park gaan. Op de Hugo de Vrieslaan kunnen auto's gratis geparkeerd worden.
In het park is tot de start (om 13.45u.) tijd om je voor te bereiden op de rit.

Start:01/07/2017 18:00

Sinds de inwerkingtreding van de Wet Kraken en Leegstand is het kraken van leegstaande panden een stuk lastiger geworden. Door juridische procedures is het echter nog altijd mogelijk om voor langere tijd een gekraakt pand te behouden. Tijdens de interactieve lezing over de rechten van krakers wordt de juridische positie van krakers uit verschillende invalshoeken belicht door advocaten Marcel en Juanita en kunnen vragen worden gesteld.

Sunday 02 juli 2017

Since Cuadrilla began building a fracking pad at Preston New Road near Blackpool in January 2017, people have been at the roadside every day, putting their bodies on the line to stop this toxic industry. The resistance is working – supply chain companies are pulling out and the building schedule has been delayed by months.

This summer, as Cuadrilla gets nearer to trying to drill, Reclaim the Power is joining the frontline struggle in Lancashire to support and reinforce the amazing local resistance, and we invite you to join.

Start:02/07/2017 12:00

Am 2. Juli auf nach Hamburg zur G20-Protestwelle!

Monday 03 juli 2017

Since Cuadrilla began building a fracking pad at Preston New Road near Blackpool in January 2017, people have been at the roadside every day, putting their bodies on the line to stop this toxic industry. The resistance is working – supply chain companies are pulling out and the building schedule has been delayed by months.

This summer, as Cuadrilla gets nearer to trying to drill, Reclaim the Power is joining the frontline struggle in Lancashire to support and reinforce the amazing local resistance, and we invite you to join.

Tuesday 04 juli 2017

Since Cuadrilla began building a fracking pad at Preston New Road near Blackpool in January 2017, people have been at the roadside every day, putting their bodies on the line to stop this toxic industry. The resistance is working – supply chain companies are pulling out and the building schedule has been delayed by months.

This summer, as Cuadrilla gets nearer to trying to drill, Reclaim the Power is joining the frontline struggle in Lancashire to support and reinforce the amazing local resistance, and we invite you to join.

Start:04/07/2017 09:58

Duizenden mensen uit de hele wereld zullen naar Hamburg komen om een tegengeluid te laten horen. Dat de conferentie wordt georganiseerd net buiten de linkse arbeiderswijk Sankt Pauli maakt het extra interessant. Dit is het programma:

- 5 & 6 juli: Tegentop met debatten en bijeenkomsten met activisten vanuit de hele wereld + antikapitalistische demo donderdagmiddag (2)
- 7 juli: Blokkeer de rode zone waar de regeringsleiders samenkomen (3)
- 8 juli: Massaprotest met misschien wel meer dan 100.000 mensen door het centrum van Hamburg

een retourtje kost 55 euro - 45 voor minimumlijders. Meld je even bij g20@socialisme.nu als je interesse hebt, vooral als je vanaf nijmegen wilt reizen. De terugreis is op 9 juli
Vanaf diverse nederlandse steden kun je ook met de flixbus. zie flixbus.nl . Eurolines lijkt niet meer op Hamburg te rijden

Wednesday 05 juli 2017

Since Cuadrilla began building a fracking pad at Preston New Road near Blackpool in January 2017, people have been at the roadside every day, putting their bodies on the line to stop this toxic industry. The resistance is working – supply chain companies are pulling out and the building schedule has been delayed by months.

This summer, as Cuadrilla gets nearer to trying to drill, Reclaim the Power is joining the frontline struggle in Lancashire to support and reinforce the amazing local resistance, and we invite you to join.

Duizenden mensen uit de hele wereld zullen naar Hamburg komen om een tegengeluid te laten horen. Dat de conferentie wordt georganiseerd net buiten de linkse arbeiderswijk Sankt Pauli maakt het extra interessant. Dit is het programma:

- 5 & 6 juli: Tegentop met debatten en bijeenkomsten met activisten vanuit de hele wereld + antikapitalistische demo donderdagmiddag (2)
- 7 juli: Blokkeer de rode zone waar de regeringsleiders samenkomen (3)
- 8 juli: Massaprotest met misschien wel meer dan 100.000 mensen door het centrum van Hamburg

Start:05/07/2017 00:00

Call for participation

On 7 and 8 July 2017, the Leaders of the Group of 20 (G20) will meet in Hamburg. This self-styled club of 19 of the most powerful economies in the world and the EU claims to fight global crises. However, reality reveals a different picture:

The G20 defends a system that exacerbates social disparities instead of leading policies against deprivation and hunger and enabling justice and prosperity for everyone on this planet.

Start:05/07/2017 00:00

Die G20 kommen nach Hamburg! Kommst Du auch?

Am 1. Dezember 2016 hat Deutschland die Präsidentschaft der G20 übernommen, der zwanzig reichsten Staaten der Erde. Am 7. und 8. Juli 2017 werden sich deren Staats- und Regierungschef_innen in Hamburg zu einem Gipfeltreffen versammeln.

Doch wer die G20 einlädt, lädt auch den Protest mit ein.

Zahlreiche Initiativen, politische Gruppen und zivilgesellschaftlichen Akteure haben begonnen, Aktivitäten zum G20-Gipfel vorzubereiten.

Thursday 06 juli 2017

Since Cuadrilla began building a fracking pad at Preston New Road near Blackpool in January 2017, people have been at the roadside every day, putting their bodies on the line to stop this toxic industry. The resistance is working – supply chain companies are pulling out and the building schedule has been delayed by months.

This summer, as Cuadrilla gets nearer to trying to drill, Reclaim the Power is joining the frontline struggle in Lancashire to support and reinforce the amazing local resistance, and we invite you to join.

Duizenden mensen uit de hele wereld zullen naar Hamburg komen om een tegengeluid te laten horen. Dat de conferentie wordt georganiseerd net buiten de linkse arbeiderswijk Sankt Pauli maakt het extra interessant. Dit is het programma:

- 5 & 6 juli: Tegentop met debatten en bijeenkomsten met activisten vanuit de hele wereld + antikapitalistische demo donderdagmiddag (2)
- 7 juli: Blokkeer de rode zone waar de regeringsleiders samenkomen (3)
- 8 juli: Massaprotest met misschien wel meer dan 100.000 mensen door het centrum van Hamburg

Start:05/07/2017 00:00
Einde:06/07/2017 00:00

Call for participation

On 7 and 8 July 2017, the Leaders of the Group of 20 (G20) will meet in Hamburg. This self-styled club of 19 of the most powerful economies in the world and the EU claims to fight global crises. However, reality reveals a different picture:

The G20 defends a system that exacerbates social disparities instead of leading policies against deprivation and hunger and enabling justice and prosperity for everyone on this planet.

Start:06/07/2017 16:25

After Paris, Concarneau, Marseille, Bruxelles, Grenoble and Toulouse, VeloRutionaries from all over France and beyond have decided to put down their kickstands and bags in Lorraine! Come and join this merry, militant and friendly event!


Start:06/07/2017 19:00

We will start with vegan potluck followed by information and discussion on Dunyada Mekan.

Dunyada Mekan is a solidarity space for white collar, freelance workers and unemployed people in Istanbul. Based on the common ground of increasing insecurity and isolation among the freelance white-collar workers and unemployed, people come together in this place to share experience, to produce collectively and organize together.

Friday 07 juli 2017

Since Cuadrilla began building a fracking pad at Preston New Road near Blackpool in January 2017, people have been at the roadside every day, putting their bodies on the line to stop this toxic industry. The resistance is working – supply chain companies are pulling out and the building schedule has been delayed by months.

This summer, as Cuadrilla gets nearer to trying to drill, Reclaim the Power is joining the frontline struggle in Lancashire to support and reinforce the amazing local resistance, and we invite you to join.

Duizenden mensen uit de hele wereld zullen naar Hamburg komen om een tegengeluid te laten horen. Dat de conferentie wordt georganiseerd net buiten de linkse arbeiderswijk Sankt Pauli maakt het extra interessant. Dit is het programma:

- 5 & 6 juli: Tegentop met debatten en bijeenkomsten met activisten vanuit de hele wereld + antikapitalistische demo donderdagmiddag (2)
- 7 juli: Blokkeer de rode zone waar de regeringsleiders samenkomen (3)
- 8 juli: Massaprotest met misschien wel meer dan 100.000 mensen door het centrum van Hamburg

After Paris, Concarneau, Marseille, Bruxelles, Grenoble and Toulouse, VeloRutionaries from all over France and beyond have decided to put down their kickstands and bags in Lorraine! Come and join this merry, militant and friendly event!


Start:07/07/2017 00:00

Dear people of the international climate movement,
on 7th and 8th July 2017, a G20 summit will be held here in Hamburg and it is already clear: The protests and resistance will be VERY big and through the press present at the event their message will be distributed across the globe.



Start:07/07/2017 00:00

Let’s block the spectacle of the powerful with the bold and rebellious spirit of the many.
We will be there. Where the red zone is. Where we are not supposed to be. Where the powerful are. The G20 Summit in Hamburg will make history. It will be our time. Will it also be yours?

Saturday 08 juli 2017

Since Cuadrilla began building a fracking pad at Preston New Road near Blackpool in January 2017, people have been at the roadside every day, putting their bodies on the line to stop this toxic industry. The resistance is working – supply chain companies are pulling out and the building schedule has been delayed by months.

This summer, as Cuadrilla gets nearer to trying to drill, Reclaim the Power is joining the frontline struggle in Lancashire to support and reinforce the amazing local resistance, and we invite you to join.

Duizenden mensen uit de hele wereld zullen naar Hamburg komen om een tegengeluid te laten horen. Dat de conferentie wordt georganiseerd net buiten de linkse arbeiderswijk Sankt Pauli maakt het extra interessant. Dit is het programma:

- 5 & 6 juli: Tegentop met debatten en bijeenkomsten met activisten vanuit de hele wereld + antikapitalistische demo donderdagmiddag (2)
- 7 juli: Blokkeer de rode zone waar de regeringsleiders samenkomen (3)
- 8 juli: Massaprotest met misschien wel meer dan 100.000 mensen door het centrum van Hamburg

After Paris, Concarneau, Marseille, Bruxelles, Grenoble and Toulouse, VeloRutionaries from all over France and beyond have decided to put down their kickstands and bags in Lorraine! Come and join this merry, militant and friendly event!


Start:08/07/2017 00:00

Faslane and Coulport – two vast military bases lining the Gare Loch and Loch Long, just a few miles from Glasgow. Not just ordinary military bases (if these can ever be ordinary) but the home to the delivery platform for the UK’s weapons of mass destruction – Trident, nuclear weapons at that, city-busters, specially designed to turn large quantities of human flesh to ashes. And not a kid-on, either, as Theresa May confirmed when she said she would pull that nightmare trigger as the the UK Parliament voted overwhelmingly to replace its nuclear weapons system in 2016.

Start:08/07/2017 11:16

Something is going very wrong in the world:

There seems to be no end to wars and armed conflicts as in Syria, Iraq or Ukraine. 1.8 trillion euro are spent each year for armament and war. St the same time, weapons exports are increasing.
More than 65 Million people are on the run worldwide. The borders of Europe and Germany are sealed off once again. Thousands of people in search of safety are drowning in the Mediterranean, which has become the deadliest border in the world.

Start:08/07/2017 12:00

Dit jaar organiseert Amsterdam wederom het artikel 140 toernooi. Datum: zaterdag 8 juli, 12:00. We spelen 5 tegen 5 op dezelfde lokatie als vorig jaar. (radioweg 89 Amsterdam). Schrijf je snel in door een email te sturen naar art140toernooi@riseup.net. Voor updates zie https://artikel140toernooi.wordpress.com/

Sunday 09 juli 2017

Since Cuadrilla began building a fracking pad at Preston New Road near Blackpool in January 2017, people have been at the roadside every day, putting their bodies on the line to stop this toxic industry. The resistance is working – supply chain companies are pulling out and the building schedule has been delayed by months.

This summer, as Cuadrilla gets nearer to trying to drill, Reclaim the Power is joining the frontline struggle in Lancashire to support and reinforce the amazing local resistance, and we invite you to join.

Start:04/07/2017 09:58
Einde:09/07/2017 09:58

Duizenden mensen uit de hele wereld zullen naar Hamburg komen om een tegengeluid te laten horen. Dat de conferentie wordt georganiseerd net buiten de linkse arbeiderswijk Sankt Pauli maakt het extra interessant. Dit is het programma:

- 5 & 6 juli: Tegentop met debatten en bijeenkomsten met activisten vanuit de hele wereld + antikapitalistische demo donderdagmiddag (2)
- 7 juli: Blokkeer de rode zone waar de regeringsleiders samenkomen (3)
- 8 juli: Massaprotest met misschien wel meer dan 100.000 mensen door het centrum van Hamburg

Start:06/07/2017 16:25
Einde:09/07/2017 16:25

After Paris, Concarneau, Marseille, Bruxelles, Grenoble and Toulouse, VeloRutionaries from all over France and beyond have decided to put down their kickstands and bags in Lorraine! Come and join this merry, militant and friendly event!


Faslane and Coulport – two vast military bases lining the Gare Loch and Loch Long, just a few miles from Glasgow. Not just ordinary military bases (if these can ever be ordinary) but the home to the delivery platform for the UK’s weapons of mass destruction – Trident, nuclear weapons at that, city-busters, specially designed to turn large quantities of human flesh to ashes. And not a kid-on, either, as Theresa May confirmed when she said she would pull that nightmare trigger as the the UK Parliament voted overwhelmingly to replace its nuclear weapons system in 2016.

Monday 10 juli 2017

Since Cuadrilla began building a fracking pad at Preston New Road near Blackpool in January 2017, people have been at the roadside every day, putting their bodies on the line to stop this toxic industry. The resistance is working – supply chain companies are pulling out and the building schedule has been delayed by months.

This summer, as Cuadrilla gets nearer to trying to drill, Reclaim the Power is joining the frontline struggle in Lancashire to support and reinforce the amazing local resistance, and we invite you to join.

Faslane and Coulport – two vast military bases lining the Gare Loch and Loch Long, just a few miles from Glasgow. Not just ordinary military bases (if these can ever be ordinary) but the home to the delivery platform for the UK’s weapons of mass destruction – Trident, nuclear weapons at that, city-busters, specially designed to turn large quantities of human flesh to ashes. And not a kid-on, either, as Theresa May confirmed when she said she would pull that nightmare trigger as the the UK Parliament voted overwhelmingly to replace its nuclear weapons system in 2016.

Tuesday 11 juli 2017

Since Cuadrilla began building a fracking pad at Preston New Road near Blackpool in January 2017, people have been at the roadside every day, putting their bodies on the line to stop this toxic industry. The resistance is working – supply chain companies are pulling out and the building schedule has been delayed by months.

This summer, as Cuadrilla gets nearer to trying to drill, Reclaim the Power is joining the frontline struggle in Lancashire to support and reinforce the amazing local resistance, and we invite you to join.

Faslane and Coulport – two vast military bases lining the Gare Loch and Loch Long, just a few miles from Glasgow. Not just ordinary military bases (if these can ever be ordinary) but the home to the delivery platform for the UK’s weapons of mass destruction – Trident, nuclear weapons at that, city-busters, specially designed to turn large quantities of human flesh to ashes. And not a kid-on, either, as Theresa May confirmed when she said she would pull that nightmare trigger as the the UK Parliament voted overwhelmingly to replace its nuclear weapons system in 2016.

Wednesday 12 juli 2017

Since Cuadrilla began building a fracking pad at Preston New Road near Blackpool in January 2017, people have been at the roadside every day, putting their bodies on the line to stop this toxic industry. The resistance is working – supply chain companies are pulling out and the building schedule has been delayed by months.

This summer, as Cuadrilla gets nearer to trying to drill, Reclaim the Power is joining the frontline struggle in Lancashire to support and reinforce the amazing local resistance, and we invite you to join.

Faslane and Coulport – two vast military bases lining the Gare Loch and Loch Long, just a few miles from Glasgow. Not just ordinary military bases (if these can ever be ordinary) but the home to the delivery platform for the UK’s weapons of mass destruction – Trident, nuclear weapons at that, city-busters, specially designed to turn large quantities of human flesh to ashes. And not a kid-on, either, as Theresa May confirmed when she said she would pull that nightmare trigger as the the UK Parliament voted overwhelmingly to replace its nuclear weapons system in 2016.

Thursday 13 juli 2017

Since Cuadrilla began building a fracking pad at Preston New Road near Blackpool in January 2017, people have been at the roadside every day, putting their bodies on the line to stop this toxic industry. The resistance is working – supply chain companies are pulling out and the building schedule has been delayed by months.

This summer, as Cuadrilla gets nearer to trying to drill, Reclaim the Power is joining the frontline struggle in Lancashire to support and reinforce the amazing local resistance, and we invite you to join.

Faslane and Coulport – two vast military bases lining the Gare Loch and Loch Long, just a few miles from Glasgow. Not just ordinary military bases (if these can ever be ordinary) but the home to the delivery platform for the UK’s weapons of mass destruction – Trident, nuclear weapons at that, city-busters, specially designed to turn large quantities of human flesh to ashes. And not a kid-on, either, as Theresa May confirmed when she said she would pull that nightmare trigger as the the UK Parliament voted overwhelmingly to replace its nuclear weapons system in 2016.

Start:13/07/2017 00:00

Les Haleurs partant de Bure emprunteront la vallée de la Meuse. En France ce n’est qu’une rivière, mais elle grossit, traverse la frontière et les Ardennes par de multiples méandres découpant le massif montagneux, arrose la Belgique puis la Hollande ; devenue alors un fleuve elle rejoint la mer à Rotterdam. Nous n’irons pas jusqu’à la plage, mais ferons notre arrivée à Maastricht, ville au nom ô combien évocateur qui signifie : « Château sur la Meuse ».

Friday 14 juli 2017

Since Cuadrilla began building a fracking pad at Preston New Road near Blackpool in January 2017, people have been at the roadside every day, putting their bodies on the line to stop this toxic industry. The resistance is working – supply chain companies are pulling out and the building schedule has been delayed by months.

This summer, as Cuadrilla gets nearer to trying to drill, Reclaim the Power is joining the frontline struggle in Lancashire to support and reinforce the amazing local resistance, and we invite you to join.

Faslane and Coulport – two vast military bases lining the Gare Loch and Loch Long, just a few miles from Glasgow. Not just ordinary military bases (if these can ever be ordinary) but the home to the delivery platform for the UK’s weapons of mass destruction – Trident, nuclear weapons at that, city-busters, specially designed to turn large quantities of human flesh to ashes. And not a kid-on, either, as Theresa May confirmed when she said she would pull that nightmare trigger as the the UK Parliament voted overwhelmingly to replace its nuclear weapons system in 2016.

Les Haleurs partant de Bure emprunteront la vallée de la Meuse. En France ce n’est qu’une rivière, mais elle grossit, traverse la frontière et les Ardennes par de multiples méandres découpant le massif montagneux, arrose la Belgique puis la Hollande ; devenue alors un fleuve elle rejoint la mer à Rotterdam. Nous n’irons pas jusqu’à la plage, mais ferons notre arrivée à Maastricht, ville au nom ô combien évocateur qui signifie : « Château sur la Meuse ».

Start:14/07/2017 00:00

De Duitse vredesbeweging organiseert van 26 maart tot 9 augustus een estafette presentie bij de vliegbasis Büchel om ervoor te pleiten dat daar geen nieuwe B 61 kernbommen komen en dat de oude kernbommen die daar liggen worden weg gehaald. Onze Duitse vredesvrienden menen dat als het lukt om Duitsland zo ver te krijgen om af te zien van nieuwe kernwapens, dat de kans dan groot is dat ook Nederland, België en Italië afzien van nieuwe kernbommen.

Saturday 15 juli 2017

Since Cuadrilla began building a fracking pad at Preston New Road near Blackpool in January 2017, people have been at the roadside every day, putting their bodies on the line to stop this toxic industry. The resistance is working – supply chain companies are pulling out and the building schedule has been delayed by months.

This summer, as Cuadrilla gets nearer to trying to drill, Reclaim the Power is joining the frontline struggle in Lancashire to support and reinforce the amazing local resistance, and we invite you to join.

Faslane and Coulport – two vast military bases lining the Gare Loch and Loch Long, just a few miles from Glasgow. Not just ordinary military bases (if these can ever be ordinary) but the home to the delivery platform for the UK’s weapons of mass destruction – Trident, nuclear weapons at that, city-busters, specially designed to turn large quantities of human flesh to ashes. And not a kid-on, either, as Theresa May confirmed when she said she would pull that nightmare trigger as the the UK Parliament voted overwhelmingly to replace its nuclear weapons system in 2016.

Les Haleurs partant de Bure emprunteront la vallée de la Meuse. En France ce n’est qu’une rivière, mais elle grossit, traverse la frontière et les Ardennes par de multiples méandres découpant le massif montagneux, arrose la Belgique puis la Hollande ; devenue alors un fleuve elle rejoint la mer à Rotterdam. Nous n’irons pas jusqu’à la plage, mais ferons notre arrivée à Maastricht, ville au nom ô combien évocateur qui signifie : « Château sur la Meuse ».

De Duitse vredesbeweging organiseert van 26 maart tot 9 augustus een estafette presentie bij de vliegbasis Büchel om ervoor te pleiten dat daar geen nieuwe B 61 kernbommen komen en dat de oude kernbommen die daar liggen worden weg gehaald. Onze Duitse vredesvrienden menen dat als het lukt om Duitsland zo ver te krijgen om af te zien van nieuwe kernwapens, dat de kans dan groot is dat ook Nederland, België en Italië afzien van nieuwe kernbommen.

Sunday 16 juli 2017

Since Cuadrilla began building a fracking pad at Preston New Road near Blackpool in January 2017, people have been at the roadside every day, putting their bodies on the line to stop this toxic industry. The resistance is working – supply chain companies are pulling out and the building schedule has been delayed by months.

This summer, as Cuadrilla gets nearer to trying to drill, Reclaim the Power is joining the frontline struggle in Lancashire to support and reinforce the amazing local resistance, and we invite you to join.

Start:08/07/2017 00:00
Einde:16/07/2017 00:00

Faslane and Coulport – two vast military bases lining the Gare Loch and Loch Long, just a few miles from Glasgow. Not just ordinary military bases (if these can ever be ordinary) but the home to the delivery platform for the UK’s weapons of mass destruction – Trident, nuclear weapons at that, city-busters, specially designed to turn large quantities of human flesh to ashes. And not a kid-on, either, as Theresa May confirmed when she said she would pull that nightmare trigger as the the UK Parliament voted overwhelmingly to replace its nuclear weapons system in 2016.

Les Haleurs partant de Bure emprunteront la vallée de la Meuse. En France ce n’est qu’une rivière, mais elle grossit, traverse la frontière et les Ardennes par de multiples méandres découpant le massif montagneux, arrose la Belgique puis la Hollande ; devenue alors un fleuve elle rejoint la mer à Rotterdam. Nous n’irons pas jusqu’à la plage, mais ferons notre arrivée à Maastricht, ville au nom ô combien évocateur qui signifie : « Château sur la Meuse ».

De Duitse vredesbeweging organiseert van 26 maart tot 9 augustus een estafette presentie bij de vliegbasis Büchel om ervoor te pleiten dat daar geen nieuwe B 61 kernbommen komen en dat de oude kernbommen die daar liggen worden weg gehaald. Onze Duitse vredesvrienden menen dat als het lukt om Duitsland zo ver te krijgen om af te zien van nieuwe kernwapens, dat de kans dan groot is dat ook Nederland, België en Italië afzien van nieuwe kernbommen.

Monday 17 juli 2017

Since Cuadrilla began building a fracking pad at Preston New Road near Blackpool in January 2017, people have been at the roadside every day, putting their bodies on the line to stop this toxic industry. The resistance is working – supply chain companies are pulling out and the building schedule has been delayed by months.

This summer, as Cuadrilla gets nearer to trying to drill, Reclaim the Power is joining the frontline struggle in Lancashire to support and reinforce the amazing local resistance, and we invite you to join.

Les Haleurs partant de Bure emprunteront la vallée de la Meuse. En France ce n’est qu’une rivière, mais elle grossit, traverse la frontière et les Ardennes par de multiples méandres découpant le massif montagneux, arrose la Belgique puis la Hollande ; devenue alors un fleuve elle rejoint la mer à Rotterdam. Nous n’irons pas jusqu’à la plage, mais ferons notre arrivée à Maastricht, ville au nom ô combien évocateur qui signifie : « Château sur la Meuse ».

Start:14/07/2017 00:00
Einde:17/07/2017 00:00

De Duitse vredesbeweging organiseert van 26 maart tot 9 augustus een estafette presentie bij de vliegbasis Büchel om ervoor te pleiten dat daar geen nieuwe B 61 kernbommen komen en dat de oude kernbommen die daar liggen worden weg gehaald. Onze Duitse vredesvrienden menen dat als het lukt om Duitsland zo ver te krijgen om af te zien van nieuwe kernwapens, dat de kans dan groot is dat ook Nederland, België en Italië afzien van nieuwe kernbommen.

Start:17/07/2017 00:00


Please add here the presentations you would like to offer at the Network Gathering.

Introduction to the Nuclear Heritage Network - presentation
Uranium transports & actions (Thursday, July 20)
Spirits of Gorleben resistance
Lifetime-extension: underestimated nuclear threat? (Tuesday, July 18)

Tuesday 18 juli 2017

Since Cuadrilla began building a fracking pad at Preston New Road near Blackpool in January 2017, people have been at the roadside every day, putting their bodies on the line to stop this toxic industry. The resistance is working – supply chain companies are pulling out and the building schedule has been delayed by months.

This summer, as Cuadrilla gets nearer to trying to drill, Reclaim the Power is joining the frontline struggle in Lancashire to support and reinforce the amazing local resistance, and we invite you to join.

Les Haleurs partant de Bure emprunteront la vallée de la Meuse. En France ce n’est qu’une rivière, mais elle grossit, traverse la frontière et les Ardennes par de multiples méandres découpant le massif montagneux, arrose la Belgique puis la Hollande ; devenue alors un fleuve elle rejoint la mer à Rotterdam. Nous n’irons pas jusqu’à la plage, mais ferons notre arrivée à Maastricht, ville au nom ô combien évocateur qui signifie : « Château sur la Meuse ».


Please add here the presentations you would like to offer at the Network Gathering.

Introduction to the Nuclear Heritage Network - presentation
Uranium transports & actions (Thursday, July 20)
Spirits of Gorleben resistance
Lifetime-extension: underestimated nuclear threat? (Tuesday, July 18)

Wednesday 19 juli 2017

Since Cuadrilla began building a fracking pad at Preston New Road near Blackpool in January 2017, people have been at the roadside every day, putting their bodies on the line to stop this toxic industry. The resistance is working – supply chain companies are pulling out and the building schedule has been delayed by months.

This summer, as Cuadrilla gets nearer to trying to drill, Reclaim the Power is joining the frontline struggle in Lancashire to support and reinforce the amazing local resistance, and we invite you to join.

Les Haleurs partant de Bure emprunteront la vallée de la Meuse. En France ce n’est qu’une rivière, mais elle grossit, traverse la frontière et les Ardennes par de multiples méandres découpant le massif montagneux, arrose la Belgique puis la Hollande ; devenue alors un fleuve elle rejoint la mer à Rotterdam. Nous n’irons pas jusqu’à la plage, mais ferons notre arrivée à Maastricht, ville au nom ô combien évocateur qui signifie : « Château sur la Meuse ».


Please add here the presentations you would like to offer at the Network Gathering.

Introduction to the Nuclear Heritage Network - presentation
Uranium transports & actions (Thursday, July 20)
Spirits of Gorleben resistance
Lifetime-extension: underestimated nuclear threat? (Tuesday, July 18)

Thursday 20 juli 2017

Since Cuadrilla began building a fracking pad at Preston New Road near Blackpool in January 2017, people have been at the roadside every day, putting their bodies on the line to stop this toxic industry. The resistance is working – supply chain companies are pulling out and the building schedule has been delayed by months.

This summer, as Cuadrilla gets nearer to trying to drill, Reclaim the Power is joining the frontline struggle in Lancashire to support and reinforce the amazing local resistance, and we invite you to join.

Les Haleurs partant de Bure emprunteront la vallée de la Meuse. En France ce n’est qu’une rivière, mais elle grossit, traverse la frontière et les Ardennes par de multiples méandres découpant le massif montagneux, arrose la Belgique puis la Hollande ; devenue alors un fleuve elle rejoint la mer à Rotterdam. Nous n’irons pas jusqu’à la plage, mais ferons notre arrivée à Maastricht, ville au nom ô combien évocateur qui signifie : « Château sur la Meuse ».


Please add here the presentations you would like to offer at the Network Gathering.

Introduction to the Nuclear Heritage Network - presentation
Uranium transports & actions (Thursday, July 20)
Spirits of Gorleben resistance
Lifetime-extension: underestimated nuclear threat? (Tuesday, July 18)

Start:20/07/2017 00:00

Welcome to the website “Los geht’s” 2017!

This year, the event will take place from 20th to 24th of July (Thursday-Monday) at community Lebensbogen near Kassel.
What is “Los gehts”?

It is a four-day camp organized every two years by the Kommuja network, a group of political communities (in german-speaking countries).

Start:20/07/2017 20:00

Met een kleine honderdduizend mensen zijn de straten van Hamburg vorige week een stuk kleurrijker en – vooral door de smeris natuurlijk – een stuk onveiliger. De chaos was enorm, het verzet ook en de extase. Tegelijk zien sommigen reden zich van sommige voorvallen te ‘distantiëren’, en kunnen er inderdaad redenen zijn, vragen te stellen bij bepaalde taktieken. Daarnaast moeten we natuurlijk denken over onze tactische effectiviteit, op straat en in de propaganda. En praten over het Avontuur, angst en veiligheid en de opbouw van de Nieuwe Wereld.

Friday 21 juli 2017

Since Cuadrilla began building a fracking pad at Preston New Road near Blackpool in January 2017, people have been at the roadside every day, putting their bodies on the line to stop this toxic industry. The resistance is working – supply chain companies are pulling out and the building schedule has been delayed by months.

This summer, as Cuadrilla gets nearer to trying to drill, Reclaim the Power is joining the frontline struggle in Lancashire to support and reinforce the amazing local resistance, and we invite you to join.

Les Haleurs partant de Bure emprunteront la vallée de la Meuse. En France ce n’est qu’une rivière, mais elle grossit, traverse la frontière et les Ardennes par de multiples méandres découpant le massif montagneux, arrose la Belgique puis la Hollande ; devenue alors un fleuve elle rejoint la mer à Rotterdam. Nous n’irons pas jusqu’à la plage, mais ferons notre arrivée à Maastricht, ville au nom ô combien évocateur qui signifie : « Château sur la Meuse ».


Please add here the presentations you would like to offer at the Network Gathering.

Introduction to the Nuclear Heritage Network - presentation
Uranium transports & actions (Thursday, July 20)
Spirits of Gorleben resistance
Lifetime-extension: underestimated nuclear threat? (Tuesday, July 18)

Welcome to the website “Los geht’s” 2017!

This year, the event will take place from 20th to 24th of July (Thursday-Monday) at community Lebensbogen near Kassel.
What is “Los gehts”?

It is a four-day camp organized every two years by the Kommuja network, a group of political communities (in german-speaking countries).

Saturday 22 juli 2017

Since Cuadrilla began building a fracking pad at Preston New Road near Blackpool in January 2017, people have been at the roadside every day, putting their bodies on the line to stop this toxic industry. The resistance is working – supply chain companies are pulling out and the building schedule has been delayed by months.

This summer, as Cuadrilla gets nearer to trying to drill, Reclaim the Power is joining the frontline struggle in Lancashire to support and reinforce the amazing local resistance, and we invite you to join.

Les Haleurs partant de Bure emprunteront la vallée de la Meuse. En France ce n’est qu’une rivière, mais elle grossit, traverse la frontière et les Ardennes par de multiples méandres découpant le massif montagneux, arrose la Belgique puis la Hollande ; devenue alors un fleuve elle rejoint la mer à Rotterdam. Nous n’irons pas jusqu’à la plage, mais ferons notre arrivée à Maastricht, ville au nom ô combien évocateur qui signifie : « Château sur la Meuse ».


Please add here the presentations you would like to offer at the Network Gathering.

Introduction to the Nuclear Heritage Network - presentation
Uranium transports & actions (Thursday, July 20)
Spirits of Gorleben resistance
Lifetime-extension: underestimated nuclear threat? (Tuesday, July 18)

Welcome to the website “Los geht’s” 2017!

This year, the event will take place from 20th to 24th of July (Thursday-Monday) at community Lebensbogen near Kassel.
What is “Los gehts”?

It is a four-day camp organized every two years by the Kommuja network, a group of political communities (in german-speaking countries).

Start:22/07/2017 16:00
Einde:22/07/2017 16:00

*English below*
Op de ochtend van 18 juli omstreeks 06:30 werd de familie Zarifi van hun bed gelicht. Het gezin bestaat uit vader, moeder (ziek met hartkwalen) 1 zoon (11) ook ziek , zoon (13) en een dochter (8).
De familie is van hun bed gelicht en verblijven op dit moment in Kamp Zeist.
Terwijl er nog een procedure loopt is dit gezin uit hun omgeving onttrokken niet wetend wat hun te wachten staat.
Behalve uitzetting naar het onveilige Afghanistan.

Start:22/07/2017 19:00

Deur open: 19:00
Start docu: 20:00
De docu duurt ongeveer een half uur.

Binnenpret/Anarchistische Bibliotheek
Eerste Schinkelstraat 14-16


This saturday we show part four of the submedia documentaries in the
Bollox: https://sub.media/video/trouble-4-no-justice-just-us/

Afterwards the bar is open. This will also be a benefit for the
G20-prisoners who are still in jail, so also come after the docu if you
dont feel like watching that!

Door open: 19:00
Start docu: 20:00

Sunday 23 juli 2017

Since Cuadrilla began building a fracking pad at Preston New Road near Blackpool in January 2017, people have been at the roadside every day, putting their bodies on the line to stop this toxic industry. The resistance is working – supply chain companies are pulling out and the building schedule has been delayed by months.

This summer, as Cuadrilla gets nearer to trying to drill, Reclaim the Power is joining the frontline struggle in Lancashire to support and reinforce the amazing local resistance, and we invite you to join.

Start:13/07/2017 00:00
Einde:23/07/2017 00:00

Les Haleurs partant de Bure emprunteront la vallée de la Meuse. En France ce n’est qu’une rivière, mais elle grossit, traverse la frontière et les Ardennes par de multiples méandres découpant le massif montagneux, arrose la Belgique puis la Hollande ; devenue alors un fleuve elle rejoint la mer à Rotterdam. Nous n’irons pas jusqu’à la plage, mais ferons notre arrivée à Maastricht, ville au nom ô combien évocateur qui signifie : « Château sur la Meuse ».

Start:17/07/2017 00:00
Einde:23/07/2017 00:00


Please add here the presentations you would like to offer at the Network Gathering.

Introduction to the Nuclear Heritage Network - presentation
Uranium transports & actions (Thursday, July 20)
Spirits of Gorleben resistance
Lifetime-extension: underestimated nuclear threat? (Tuesday, July 18)

Welcome to the website “Los geht’s” 2017!

This year, the event will take place from 20th to 24th of July (Thursday-Monday) at community Lebensbogen near Kassel.
What is “Los gehts”?

It is a four-day camp organized every two years by the Kommuja network, a group of political communities (in german-speaking countries).

Monday 24 juli 2017

Since Cuadrilla began building a fracking pad at Preston New Road near Blackpool in January 2017, people have been at the roadside every day, putting their bodies on the line to stop this toxic industry. The resistance is working – supply chain companies are pulling out and the building schedule has been delayed by months.

This summer, as Cuadrilla gets nearer to trying to drill, Reclaim the Power is joining the frontline struggle in Lancashire to support and reinforce the amazing local resistance, and we invite you to join.

Start:20/07/2017 00:00
Einde:24/07/2017 00:00

Welcome to the website “Los geht’s” 2017!

This year, the event will take place from 20th to 24th of July (Thursday-Monday) at community Lebensbogen near Kassel.
What is “Los gehts”?

It is a four-day camp organized every two years by the Kommuja network, a group of political communities (in german-speaking countries).

Tuesday 25 juli 2017

Since Cuadrilla began building a fracking pad at Preston New Road near Blackpool in January 2017, people have been at the roadside every day, putting their bodies on the line to stop this toxic industry. The resistance is working – supply chain companies are pulling out and the building schedule has been delayed by months.

This summer, as Cuadrilla gets nearer to trying to drill, Reclaim the Power is joining the frontline struggle in Lancashire to support and reinforce the amazing local resistance, and we invite you to join.

Start:25/07/2017 16:42

The first camp “All worthy of being welcome” (August 5-19) is organized in cooperation with the international civil service (SCI) and will host about 20 volunteers that will coordinate the activities of the dormitory and participate in workshops about self-management and welfare from below.

The second camp “No one is illegal”, August 21- September 2, will focus instead on the renovation and requalification of the spaces and on sharing experiences on European migration and reception policies.

Wednesday 26 juli 2017

Since Cuadrilla began building a fracking pad at Preston New Road near Blackpool in January 2017, people have been at the roadside every day, putting their bodies on the line to stop this toxic industry. The resistance is working – supply chain companies are pulling out and the building schedule has been delayed by months.

This summer, as Cuadrilla gets nearer to trying to drill, Reclaim the Power is joining the frontline struggle in Lancashire to support and reinforce the amazing local resistance, and we invite you to join.

Thursday 27 juli 2017

Since Cuadrilla began building a fracking pad at Preston New Road near Blackpool in January 2017, people have been at the roadside every day, putting their bodies on the line to stop this toxic industry. The resistance is working – supply chain companies are pulling out and the building schedule has been delayed by months.

This summer, as Cuadrilla gets nearer to trying to drill, Reclaim the Power is joining the frontline struggle in Lancashire to support and reinforce the amazing local resistance, and we invite you to join.

Start:27/07/2017 00:00

27-31 July 2017′

Near Diss, Norfolk

Registration: £20-£135 for over-14s. Under-14s £5-£30 by parental income.
Under-1s free.

Food (three meals a day and drinks): £6–£12 a day for over-14s. Children’s
food by donation. Food tickets sold on-site.

Book tickets here

Speakers include: Betsy Leondar-Wright, author of Missing Class:
Strengthening Social Movement Groups by Seeing Class Cultures, and a
senior trainer with Class Action in the US; Bruce Kent (‘Abolishing War’),
Karen Larbi (‘Self-care for radicals’), Peter Tatchell (‘Campaigning to

Friday 28 juli 2017

Since Cuadrilla began building a fracking pad at Preston New Road near Blackpool in January 2017, people have been at the roadside every day, putting their bodies on the line to stop this toxic industry. The resistance is working – supply chain companies are pulling out and the building schedule has been delayed by months.

This summer, as Cuadrilla gets nearer to trying to drill, Reclaim the Power is joining the frontline struggle in Lancashire to support and reinforce the amazing local resistance, and we invite you to join.

27-31 July 2017′

Near Diss, Norfolk

Registration: £20-£135 for over-14s. Under-14s £5-£30 by parental income.
Under-1s free.

Food (three meals a day and drinks): £6–£12 a day for over-14s. Children’s
food by donation. Food tickets sold on-site.

Book tickets here

Speakers include: Betsy Leondar-Wright, author of Missing Class:
Strengthening Social Movement Groups by Seeing Class Cultures, and a
senior trainer with Class Action in the US; Bruce Kent (‘Abolishing War’),
Karen Larbi (‘Self-care for radicals’), Peter Tatchell (‘Campaigning to

Start:28/07/2017 20:00
Einde:28/07/2017 23:59

grote fietsdemo & bike party van 8 's avonds tot het spookuur. chaos in de straten van berlijn. auwto opstoppingen. soundsystems, en veeeel fieters.
fietsen voor gezonder en veiliger stadsverkeer en tegen de dominante auwtocultuur. fietsen voor de lol en om auwtobestuurders te fucken . . .

• 28 juli 2017
• 20:00 - 23:59
• berlin
• verzamelen mariannenplatz
kan je niet wachten van ongeduld? om 19:00 is er voorverzamelen op potsdamer platz

Saturday 29 juli 2017

Since Cuadrilla began building a fracking pad at Preston New Road near Blackpool in January 2017, people have been at the roadside every day, putting their bodies on the line to stop this toxic industry. The resistance is working – supply chain companies are pulling out and the building schedule has been delayed by months.

This summer, as Cuadrilla gets nearer to trying to drill, Reclaim the Power is joining the frontline struggle in Lancashire to support and reinforce the amazing local resistance, and we invite you to join.

27-31 July 2017′

Near Diss, Norfolk

Registration: £20-£135 for over-14s. Under-14s £5-£30 by parental income.
Under-1s free.

Food (three meals a day and drinks): £6–£12 a day for over-14s. Children’s
food by donation. Food tickets sold on-site.

Book tickets here

Speakers include: Betsy Leondar-Wright, author of Missing Class:
Strengthening Social Movement Groups by Seeing Class Cultures, and a
senior trainer with Class Action in the US; Bruce Kent (‘Abolishing War’),
Karen Larbi (‘Self-care for radicals’), Peter Tatchell (‘Campaigning to

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