
Tuesday 01 augustus 2017

Appeal : Breach powerlessness together!

The images of refugees vanished from public perception. Though they are still existing: countless people have to leave their homes day by day, facing inhumane and life-endangering hurdles on their search for nothing more than a secure place to live. Still, hundreds of people drown in the Mediterranean. Hundred-thousands persevere under precarious conditions in camps beyond the borderline of Fortress Europe, almost without any prospect for change. They seem far away, too far for many to see their persisting distress and the inhumanity they face.

Start:01/08/2017 00:00

Riding to the climate camp in the Rhineland to take international action against climate injustice.


Wednesday 02 augustus 2017

Appeal : Breach powerlessness together!

The images of refugees vanished from public perception. Though they are still existing: countless people have to leave their homes day by day, facing inhumane and life-endangering hurdles on their search for nothing more than a secure place to live. Still, hundreds of people drown in the Mediterranean. Hundred-thousands persevere under precarious conditions in camps beyond the borderline of Fortress Europe, almost without any prospect for change. They seem far away, too far for many to see their persisting distress and the inhumanity they face.

Riding to the climate camp in the Rhineland to take international action against climate injustice.


Thursday 03 augustus 2017

Appeal : Breach powerlessness together!

The images of refugees vanished from public perception. Though they are still existing: countless people have to leave their homes day by day, facing inhumane and life-endangering hurdles on their search for nothing more than a secure place to live. Still, hundreds of people drown in the Mediterranean. Hundred-thousands persevere under precarious conditions in camps beyond the borderline of Fortress Europe, almost without any prospect for change. They seem far away, too far for many to see their persisting distress and the inhumanity they face.

Riding to the climate camp in the Rhineland to take international action against climate injustice.


Start:03/08/2017 00:03

Inspired by camps like Klimacamp in Germany, and Climate Camps in the UK, Climate Camp Sweden is now taking place in Gothenburg between 3d and 7th of August!

The camp has been initiated by Fossilgasfällan, Fossil Free Sweden, Nature and Youth Sweden, and Friends of the Earth, but is open for anyone who want to join the fight for climate justice and against fossil fuels. This year, the focus is on fossil gas and the building of a new terminal for liquid fossil gas in Gothenburg harbour.

Friday 04 augustus 2017

Appeal : Breach powerlessness together!

The images of refugees vanished from public perception. Though they are still existing: countless people have to leave their homes day by day, facing inhumane and life-endangering hurdles on their search for nothing more than a secure place to live. Still, hundreds of people drown in the Mediterranean. Hundred-thousands persevere under precarious conditions in camps beyond the borderline of Fortress Europe, almost without any prospect for change. They seem far away, too far for many to see their persisting distress and the inhumanity they face.

Riding to the climate camp in the Rhineland to take international action against climate injustice.


Inspired by camps like Klimacamp in Germany, and Climate Camps in the UK, Climate Camp Sweden is now taking place in Gothenburg between 3d and 7th of August!

The camp has been initiated by Fossilgasfällan, Fossil Free Sweden, Nature and Youth Sweden, and Friends of the Earth, but is open for anyone who want to join the fight for climate justice and against fossil fuels. This year, the focus is on fossil gas and the building of a new terminal for liquid fossil gas in Gothenburg harbour.

Start:04/08/2017 10:04

En août 2016, plus de 300 personnes venant de toutes les régions de France se sont réunies à Espère pour la première édition du Camp Climat organisée par Alternatiba, ANV-COP21 et les Amis de la Terre.

Pendant 10 jours, c’est une nouvelle génération militante qui s’est formée au travers de 275 sessions de formations à l’action non-violente, la stratégie de campagne, la communication, la logistique, la vidéo, la communication non-violente, la fabrication de banderoles, etc. Le camp a fini par une simul’action de masse qui a regroupé plus de 200 activistes en herbe.

Saturday 05 augustus 2017

Appeal : Breach powerlessness together!

The images of refugees vanished from public perception. Though they are still existing: countless people have to leave their homes day by day, facing inhumane and life-endangering hurdles on their search for nothing more than a secure place to live. Still, hundreds of people drown in the Mediterranean. Hundred-thousands persevere under precarious conditions in camps beyond the borderline of Fortress Europe, almost without any prospect for change. They seem far away, too far for many to see their persisting distress and the inhumanity they face.

Riding to the climate camp in the Rhineland to take international action against climate injustice.


Inspired by camps like Klimacamp in Germany, and Climate Camps in the UK, Climate Camp Sweden is now taking place in Gothenburg between 3d and 7th of August!

The camp has been initiated by Fossilgasfällan, Fossil Free Sweden, Nature and Youth Sweden, and Friends of the Earth, but is open for anyone who want to join the fight for climate justice and against fossil fuels. This year, the focus is on fossil gas and the building of a new terminal for liquid fossil gas in Gothenburg harbour.

En août 2016, plus de 300 personnes venant de toutes les régions de France se sont réunies à Espère pour la première édition du Camp Climat organisée par Alternatiba, ANV-COP21 et les Amis de la Terre.

Pendant 10 jours, c’est une nouvelle génération militante qui s’est formée au travers de 275 sessions de formations à l’action non-violente, la stratégie de campagne, la communication, la logistique, la vidéo, la communication non-violente, la fabrication de banderoles, etc. Le camp a fini par une simul’action de masse qui a regroupé plus de 200 activistes en herbe.

Start:05/08/2017 08:30

Voor ons is er namelijk geen Pride in wapenhandel en in de bouw van vernietigende pijpleidingen zoals ING die financiert. Er is geen Pride in het etnisch profileren van jongeren van kleur door de politie, of in het meevechten in grondstoffenoorlogen. En er is zeker geen Pride in het racisme en het nationalisme van de VVD. Net als in de tijden van Stonewall is onze Pride intersectioneel: wij kunnen niet de vrijheid van een bepaalde groep vieren als die ten koste gaat van de vrijheid van andere groepen.

Sunday 06 augustus 2017
Start:31/07/2017 00:00
Einde:06/08/2017 00:00

Appeal : Breach powerlessness together!

The images of refugees vanished from public perception. Though they are still existing: countless people have to leave their homes day by day, facing inhumane and life-endangering hurdles on their search for nothing more than a secure place to live. Still, hundreds of people drown in the Mediterranean. Hundred-thousands persevere under precarious conditions in camps beyond the borderline of Fortress Europe, almost without any prospect for change. They seem far away, too far for many to see their persisting distress and the inhumanity they face.

Riding to the climate camp in the Rhineland to take international action against climate injustice.


Inspired by camps like Klimacamp in Germany, and Climate Camps in the UK, Climate Camp Sweden is now taking place in Gothenburg between 3d and 7th of August!

The camp has been initiated by Fossilgasfällan, Fossil Free Sweden, Nature and Youth Sweden, and Friends of the Earth, but is open for anyone who want to join the fight for climate justice and against fossil fuels. This year, the focus is on fossil gas and the building of a new terminal for liquid fossil gas in Gothenburg harbour.

En août 2016, plus de 300 personnes venant de toutes les régions de France se sont réunies à Espère pour la première édition du Camp Climat organisée par Alternatiba, ANV-COP21 et les Amis de la Terre.

Pendant 10 jours, c’est une nouvelle génération militante qui s’est formée au travers de 275 sessions de formations à l’action non-violente, la stratégie de campagne, la communication, la logistique, la vidéo, la communication non-violente, la fabrication de banderoles, etc. Le camp a fini par une simul’action de masse qui a regroupé plus de 200 activistes en herbe.

Start:06/08/2017 14:00
Einde:06/08/2017 18:10

The demo starts at 02:00pm (14:00) at the train station (S-Bahnhof) Billwerder-Moorfleet in Hamburg and will march to the JVA Billwerder prison.

Monday 07 augustus 2017

Riding to the climate camp in the Rhineland to take international action against climate injustice.


Start:03/08/2017 00:03
Einde:07/08/2017 00:03

Inspired by camps like Klimacamp in Germany, and Climate Camps in the UK, Climate Camp Sweden is now taking place in Gothenburg between 3d and 7th of August!

The camp has been initiated by Fossilgasfällan, Fossil Free Sweden, Nature and Youth Sweden, and Friends of the Earth, but is open for anyone who want to join the fight for climate justice and against fossil fuels. This year, the focus is on fossil gas and the building of a new terminal for liquid fossil gas in Gothenburg harbour.

En août 2016, plus de 300 personnes venant de toutes les régions de France se sont réunies à Espère pour la première édition du Camp Climat organisée par Alternatiba, ANV-COP21 et les Amis de la Terre.

Pendant 10 jours, c’est une nouvelle génération militante qui s’est formée au travers de 275 sessions de formations à l’action non-violente, la stratégie de campagne, la communication, la logistique, la vidéo, la communication non-violente, la fabrication de banderoles, etc. Le camp a fini par une simul’action de masse qui a regroupé plus de 200 activistes en herbe.

Start:07/08/2017 00:00

A camp will take place between August 7 and 16, 2017 on the meadow, for which activists and interested people from all over the world are invited. Not as a competition but as a supplement to the Camp at Döbeln, we are planning lectures, discussions, workshops and an action day on the subject of nuclear waste, nuclear transports, uranium mining and human rights. We hope to live the integration of the issues and activists of the Wendland and to carry out some networking covering all continents and issues.

Tuesday 08 augustus 2017

Riding to the climate camp in the Rhineland to take international action against climate injustice.


En août 2016, plus de 300 personnes venant de toutes les régions de France se sont réunies à Espère pour la première édition du Camp Climat organisée par Alternatiba, ANV-COP21 et les Amis de la Terre.

Pendant 10 jours, c’est une nouvelle génération militante qui s’est formée au travers de 275 sessions de formations à l’action non-violente, la stratégie de campagne, la communication, la logistique, la vidéo, la communication non-violente, la fabrication de banderoles, etc. Le camp a fini par une simul’action de masse qui a regroupé plus de 200 activistes en herbe.

A camp will take place between August 7 and 16, 2017 on the meadow, for which activists and interested people from all over the world are invited. Not as a competition but as a supplement to the Camp at Döbeln, we are planning lectures, discussions, workshops and an action day on the subject of nuclear waste, nuclear transports, uranium mining and human rights. We hope to live the integration of the issues and activists of the Wendland and to carry out some networking covering all continents and issues.

Wednesday 09 augustus 2017

Riding to the climate camp in the Rhineland to take international action against climate injustice.


En août 2016, plus de 300 personnes venant de toutes les régions de France se sont réunies à Espère pour la première édition du Camp Climat organisée par Alternatiba, ANV-COP21 et les Amis de la Terre.

Pendant 10 jours, c’est une nouvelle génération militante qui s’est formée au travers de 275 sessions de formations à l’action non-violente, la stratégie de campagne, la communication, la logistique, la vidéo, la communication non-violente, la fabrication de banderoles, etc. Le camp a fini par une simul’action de masse qui a regroupé plus de 200 activistes en herbe.

A camp will take place between August 7 and 16, 2017 on the meadow, for which activists and interested people from all over the world are invited. Not as a competition but as a supplement to the Camp at Döbeln, we are planning lectures, discussions, workshops and an action day on the subject of nuclear waste, nuclear transports, uranium mining and human rights. We hope to live the integration of the issues and activists of the Wendland and to carry out some networking covering all continents and issues.

Start:09/08/2017 00:00

Earth First! Summer Gathering 2017

The EF! Summer Gathering is a chance for people and groups from across the country and beyond to get together to network, share practical skills, ideas and inspiration to help our actions and campaigns be as strategic and effective as possible. This is an annual gathering for grassroots ecological direct action, this year focusing on welcoming people from impacted communities.

Thursday 10 augustus 2017

Riding to the climate camp in the Rhineland to take international action against climate injustice.


En août 2016, plus de 300 personnes venant de toutes les régions de France se sont réunies à Espère pour la première édition du Camp Climat organisée par Alternatiba, ANV-COP21 et les Amis de la Terre.

Pendant 10 jours, c’est une nouvelle génération militante qui s’est formée au travers de 275 sessions de formations à l’action non-violente, la stratégie de campagne, la communication, la logistique, la vidéo, la communication non-violente, la fabrication de banderoles, etc. Le camp a fini par une simul’action de masse qui a regroupé plus de 200 activistes en herbe.

A camp will take place between August 7 and 16, 2017 on the meadow, for which activists and interested people from all over the world are invited. Not as a competition but as a supplement to the Camp at Döbeln, we are planning lectures, discussions, workshops and an action day on the subject of nuclear waste, nuclear transports, uranium mining and human rights. We hope to live the integration of the issues and activists of the Wendland and to carry out some networking covering all continents and issues.

Earth First! Summer Gathering 2017

The EF! Summer Gathering is a chance for people and groups from across the country and beyond to get together to network, share practical skills, ideas and inspiration to help our actions and campaigns be as strategic and effective as possible. This is an annual gathering for grassroots ecological direct action, this year focusing on welcoming people from impacted communities.

Start:10/08/2017 00:00

Iedereen heeft recht op duurzame en betaalbare energie en daarvoor is radicale sociale verandering nodig.

Workshops – info - praktische skills – bewegingsopbouw – actie!

Waar? De Hoge Rielen (Kasterlee, Kempen).

Wanneer? Van donderdagavond 10 tem dinsdag 15 augustus 2017

Vrijdag tem zondag: workshops en actietrainingen

Een voorlopig programma:


De sleepwet

Friday 11 augustus 2017

Riding to the climate camp in the Rhineland to take international action against climate injustice.


En août 2016, plus de 300 personnes venant de toutes les régions de France se sont réunies à Espère pour la première édition du Camp Climat organisée par Alternatiba, ANV-COP21 et les Amis de la Terre.

Pendant 10 jours, c’est une nouvelle génération militante qui s’est formée au travers de 275 sessions de formations à l’action non-violente, la stratégie de campagne, la communication, la logistique, la vidéo, la communication non-violente, la fabrication de banderoles, etc. Le camp a fini par une simul’action de masse qui a regroupé plus de 200 activistes en herbe.

A camp will take place between August 7 and 16, 2017 on the meadow, for which activists and interested people from all over the world are invited. Not as a competition but as a supplement to the Camp at Döbeln, we are planning lectures, discussions, workshops and an action day on the subject of nuclear waste, nuclear transports, uranium mining and human rights. We hope to live the integration of the issues and activists of the Wendland and to carry out some networking covering all continents and issues.

Earth First! Summer Gathering 2017

The EF! Summer Gathering is a chance for people and groups from across the country and beyond to get together to network, share practical skills, ideas and inspiration to help our actions and campaigns be as strategic and effective as possible. This is an annual gathering for grassroots ecological direct action, this year focusing on welcoming people from impacted communities.

Iedereen heeft recht op duurzame en betaalbare energie en daarvoor is radicale sociale verandering nodig.

Workshops – info - praktische skills – bewegingsopbouw – actie!

Waar? De Hoge Rielen (Kasterlee, Kempen).

Wanneer? Van donderdagavond 10 tem dinsdag 15 augustus 2017

Vrijdag tem zondag: workshops en actietrainingen

Een voorlopig programma:

Saturday 12 augustus 2017

Riding to the climate camp in the Rhineland to take international action against climate injustice.


En août 2016, plus de 300 personnes venant de toutes les régions de France se sont réunies à Espère pour la première édition du Camp Climat organisée par Alternatiba, ANV-COP21 et les Amis de la Terre.

Pendant 10 jours, c’est une nouvelle génération militante qui s’est formée au travers de 275 sessions de formations à l’action non-violente, la stratégie de campagne, la communication, la logistique, la vidéo, la communication non-violente, la fabrication de banderoles, etc. Le camp a fini par une simul’action de masse qui a regroupé plus de 200 activistes en herbe.

A camp will take place between August 7 and 16, 2017 on the meadow, for which activists and interested people from all over the world are invited. Not as a competition but as a supplement to the Camp at Döbeln, we are planning lectures, discussions, workshops and an action day on the subject of nuclear waste, nuclear transports, uranium mining and human rights. We hope to live the integration of the issues and activists of the Wendland and to carry out some networking covering all continents and issues.

Earth First! Summer Gathering 2017

The EF! Summer Gathering is a chance for people and groups from across the country and beyond to get together to network, share practical skills, ideas and inspiration to help our actions and campaigns be as strategic and effective as possible. This is an annual gathering for grassroots ecological direct action, this year focusing on welcoming people from impacted communities.

Iedereen heeft recht op duurzame en betaalbare energie en daarvoor is radicale sociale verandering nodig.

Workshops – info - praktische skills – bewegingsopbouw – actie!

Waar? De Hoge Rielen (Kasterlee, Kempen).

Wanneer? Van donderdagavond 10 tem dinsdag 15 augustus 2017

Vrijdag tem zondag: workshops en actietrainingen

Een voorlopig programma:

Sunday 13 augustus 2017

Riding to the climate camp in the Rhineland to take international action against climate injustice.


En août 2016, plus de 300 personnes venant de toutes les régions de France se sont réunies à Espère pour la première édition du Camp Climat organisée par Alternatiba, ANV-COP21 et les Amis de la Terre.

Pendant 10 jours, c’est une nouvelle génération militante qui s’est formée au travers de 275 sessions de formations à l’action non-violente, la stratégie de campagne, la communication, la logistique, la vidéo, la communication non-violente, la fabrication de banderoles, etc. Le camp a fini par une simul’action de masse qui a regroupé plus de 200 activistes en herbe.

A camp will take place between August 7 and 16, 2017 on the meadow, for which activists and interested people from all over the world are invited. Not as a competition but as a supplement to the Camp at Döbeln, we are planning lectures, discussions, workshops and an action day on the subject of nuclear waste, nuclear transports, uranium mining and human rights. We hope to live the integration of the issues and activists of the Wendland and to carry out some networking covering all continents and issues.

Earth First! Summer Gathering 2017

The EF! Summer Gathering is a chance for people and groups from across the country and beyond to get together to network, share practical skills, ideas and inspiration to help our actions and campaigns be as strategic and effective as possible. This is an annual gathering for grassroots ecological direct action, this year focusing on welcoming people from impacted communities.

Iedereen heeft recht op duurzame en betaalbare energie en daarvoor is radicale sociale verandering nodig.

Workshops – info - praktische skills – bewegingsopbouw – actie!

Waar? De Hoge Rielen (Kasterlee, Kempen).

Wanneer? Van donderdagavond 10 tem dinsdag 15 augustus 2017

Vrijdag tem zondag: workshops en actietrainingen

Een voorlopig programma:

Monday 14 augustus 2017

Riding to the climate camp in the Rhineland to take international action against climate injustice.


En août 2016, plus de 300 personnes venant de toutes les régions de France se sont réunies à Espère pour la première édition du Camp Climat organisée par Alternatiba, ANV-COP21 et les Amis de la Terre.

Pendant 10 jours, c’est une nouvelle génération militante qui s’est formée au travers de 275 sessions de formations à l’action non-violente, la stratégie de campagne, la communication, la logistique, la vidéo, la communication non-violente, la fabrication de banderoles, etc. Le camp a fini par une simul’action de masse qui a regroupé plus de 200 activistes en herbe.

A camp will take place between August 7 and 16, 2017 on the meadow, for which activists and interested people from all over the world are invited. Not as a competition but as a supplement to the Camp at Döbeln, we are planning lectures, discussions, workshops and an action day on the subject of nuclear waste, nuclear transports, uranium mining and human rights. We hope to live the integration of the issues and activists of the Wendland and to carry out some networking covering all continents and issues.

Start:09/08/2017 00:00
Einde:14/08/2017 12:00

Earth First! Summer Gathering 2017

The EF! Summer Gathering is a chance for people and groups from across the country and beyond to get together to network, share practical skills, ideas and inspiration to help our actions and campaigns be as strategic and effective as possible. This is an annual gathering for grassroots ecological direct action, this year focusing on welcoming people from impacted communities.

Iedereen heeft recht op duurzame en betaalbare energie en daarvoor is radicale sociale verandering nodig.

Workshops – info - praktische skills – bewegingsopbouw – actie!

Waar? De Hoge Rielen (Kasterlee, Kempen).

Wanneer? Van donderdagavond 10 tem dinsdag 15 augustus 2017

Vrijdag tem zondag: workshops en actietrainingen

Een voorlopig programma:

Tuesday 15 augustus 2017

Riding to the climate camp in the Rhineland to take international action against climate injustice.


Start:04/08/2017 10:04
Einde:15/08/2017 10:04

En août 2016, plus de 300 personnes venant de toutes les régions de France se sont réunies à Espère pour la première édition du Camp Climat organisée par Alternatiba, ANV-COP21 et les Amis de la Terre.

Pendant 10 jours, c’est une nouvelle génération militante qui s’est formée au travers de 275 sessions de formations à l’action non-violente, la stratégie de campagne, la communication, la logistique, la vidéo, la communication non-violente, la fabrication de banderoles, etc. Le camp a fini par une simul’action de masse qui a regroupé plus de 200 activistes en herbe.

A camp will take place between August 7 and 16, 2017 on the meadow, for which activists and interested people from all over the world are invited. Not as a competition but as a supplement to the Camp at Döbeln, we are planning lectures, discussions, workshops and an action day on the subject of nuclear waste, nuclear transports, uranium mining and human rights. We hope to live the integration of the issues and activists of the Wendland and to carry out some networking covering all continents and issues.

Start:10/08/2017 00:00
Einde:15/08/2017 00:00

Iedereen heeft recht op duurzame en betaalbare energie en daarvoor is radicale sociale verandering nodig.

Workshops – info - praktische skills – bewegingsopbouw – actie!

Waar? De Hoge Rielen (Kasterlee, Kempen).

Wanneer? Van donderdagavond 10 tem dinsdag 15 augustus 2017

Vrijdag tem zondag: workshops en actietrainingen

Een voorlopig programma:

Wednesday 16 augustus 2017

Riding to the climate camp in the Rhineland to take international action against climate injustice.


Start:07/08/2017 00:00
Einde:16/08/2017 00:00

A camp will take place between August 7 and 16, 2017 on the meadow, for which activists and interested people from all over the world are invited. Not as a competition but as a supplement to the Camp at Döbeln, we are planning lectures, discussions, workshops and an action day on the subject of nuclear waste, nuclear transports, uranium mining and human rights. We hope to live the integration of the issues and activists of the Wendland and to carry out some networking covering all continents and issues.

Thursday 17 augustus 2017

Riding to the climate camp in the Rhineland to take international action against climate injustice.


Friday 18 augustus 2017

Riding to the climate camp in the Rhineland to take international action against climate injustice.


Start:18/08/2017 00:00

What is CoMo again?

From the 18th to the 29th of August, the CoMo Camp is bringing together people from different social struggles and movements to develop new perspectives for emancipatory politics. We often struggle with different focuses – climate justice, freedom of movement and the right to stay, antifascism, queer feminisms, or food sovereignty – in different places, and little time is left for exchange.

Saturday 19 augustus 2017

Riding to the climate camp in the Rhineland to take international action against climate injustice.


What is CoMo again?

From the 18th to the 29th of August, the CoMo Camp is bringing together people from different social struggles and movements to develop new perspectives for emancipatory politics. We often struggle with different focuses – climate justice, freedom of movement and the right to stay, antifascism, queer feminisms, or food sovereignty – in different places, and little time is left for exchange.

Sunday 20 augustus 2017

Riding to the climate camp in the Rhineland to take international action against climate injustice.


What is CoMo again?

From the 18th to the 29th of August, the CoMo Camp is bringing together people from different social struggles and movements to develop new perspectives for emancipatory politics. We often struggle with different focuses – climate justice, freedom of movement and the right to stay, antifascism, queer feminisms, or food sovereignty – in different places, and little time is left for exchange.

Monday 21 augustus 2017

Riding to the climate camp in the Rhineland to take international action against climate injustice.


What is CoMo again?

From the 18th to the 29th of August, the CoMo Camp is bringing together people from different social struggles and movements to develop new perspectives for emancipatory politics. We often struggle with different focuses – climate justice, freedom of movement and the right to stay, antifascism, queer feminisms, or food sovereignty – in different places, and little time is left for exchange.

Tuesday 22 augustus 2017
Start:01/08/2017 00:00
Einde:22/08/2017 17:00

Riding to the climate camp in the Rhineland to take international action against climate injustice.



De sleepwet

What is CoMo again?

From the 18th to the 29th of August, the CoMo Camp is bringing together people from different social struggles and movements to develop new perspectives for emancipatory politics. We often struggle with different focuses – climate justice, freedom of movement and the right to stay, antifascism, queer feminisms, or food sovereignty – in different places, and little time is left for exchange.

Wednesday 23 augustus 2017

What is CoMo again?

From the 18th to the 29th of August, the CoMo Camp is bringing together people from different social struggles and movements to develop new perspectives for emancipatory politics. We often struggle with different focuses – climate justice, freedom of movement and the right to stay, antifascism, queer feminisms, or food sovereignty – in different places, and little time is left for exchange.

Start:23/08/2017 11:00

More alter-globalist than ever!

Today more than ever, there is a chance for a different type of globalisation! Based on respect for fundamental human rights, solidarity between people against the power of multinationals and finance, from now on we will build on it, with other social movements, in Europe and throughout the world. The European Summer University will mark an important step in this struggle that will bring together more than 1000 participants from dozens of countries.

Thursday 24 augustus 2017

What is CoMo again?

From the 18th to the 29th of August, the CoMo Camp is bringing together people from different social struggles and movements to develop new perspectives for emancipatory politics. We often struggle with different focuses – climate justice, freedom of movement and the right to stay, antifascism, queer feminisms, or food sovereignty – in different places, and little time is left for exchange.

More alter-globalist than ever!

Today more than ever, there is a chance for a different type of globalisation! Based on respect for fundamental human rights, solidarity between people against the power of multinationals and finance, from now on we will build on it, with other social movements, in Europe and throughout the world. The European Summer University will mark an important step in this struggle that will bring together more than 1000 participants from dozens of countries.

Start:24/08/2017 10:42

Ende Gelände 2017 - Rhineland Open Pit Mines


Friday 25 augustus 2017

What is CoMo again?

From the 18th to the 29th of August, the CoMo Camp is bringing together people from different social struggles and movements to develop new perspectives for emancipatory politics. We often struggle with different focuses – climate justice, freedom of movement and the right to stay, antifascism, queer feminisms, or food sovereignty – in different places, and little time is left for exchange.

More alter-globalist than ever!

Today more than ever, there is a chance for a different type of globalisation! Based on respect for fundamental human rights, solidarity between people against the power of multinationals and finance, from now on we will build on it, with other social movements, in Europe and throughout the world. The European Summer University will mark an important step in this struggle that will bring together more than 1000 participants from dozens of countries.

Start:25/08/2017 20:00

fietsen voor gezonder en veiliger stadsverkeer en fietsen omdat het leuk is om met elkaar te fietsen.
urenlang zorgeloos door de stad zonder last van auwtos.

→ weersverwachting: warm & droog. rond de 23 graden.
→ opkomstverwachting: rond de 3000 deelnemers.

• 25 augustus 2017
• van 8 tot in de nacht
• 7u voorverzamelen potsdamer platz
• 8u verzamelen mariannenplatz

Saturday 26 augustus 2017

What is CoMo again?

From the 18th to the 29th of August, the CoMo Camp is bringing together people from different social struggles and movements to develop new perspectives for emancipatory politics. We often struggle with different focuses – climate justice, freedom of movement and the right to stay, antifascism, queer feminisms, or food sovereignty – in different places, and little time is left for exchange.

More alter-globalist than ever!

Today more than ever, there is a chance for a different type of globalisation! Based on respect for fundamental human rights, solidarity between people against the power of multinationals and finance, from now on we will build on it, with other social movements, in Europe and throughout the world. The European Summer University will mark an important step in this struggle that will bring together more than 1000 participants from dozens of countries.

Start:25/08/2017 20:00
Einde:26/08/2017 01:00

fietsen voor gezonder en veiliger stadsverkeer en fietsen omdat het leuk is om met elkaar te fietsen.
urenlang zorgeloos door de stad zonder last van auwtos.

→ weersverwachting: warm & droog. rond de 23 graden.
→ opkomstverwachting: rond de 3000 deelnemers.

• 25 augustus 2017
• van 8 tot in de nacht
• 7u voorverzamelen potsdamer platz
• 8u verzamelen mariannenplatz

Sunday 27 augustus 2017

What is CoMo again?

From the 18th to the 29th of August, the CoMo Camp is bringing together people from different social struggles and movements to develop new perspectives for emancipatory politics. We often struggle with different focuses – climate justice, freedom of movement and the right to stay, antifascism, queer feminisms, or food sovereignty – in different places, and little time is left for exchange.

Start:23/08/2017 11:00
Einde:27/08/2017 11:00

More alter-globalist than ever!

Today more than ever, there is a chance for a different type of globalisation! Based on respect for fundamental human rights, solidarity between people against the power of multinationals and finance, from now on we will build on it, with other social movements, in Europe and throughout the world. The European Summer University will mark an important step in this struggle that will bring together more than 1000 participants from dozens of countries.

Monday 28 augustus 2017

What is CoMo again?

From the 18th to the 29th of August, the CoMo Camp is bringing together people from different social struggles and movements to develop new perspectives for emancipatory politics. We often struggle with different focuses – climate justice, freedom of movement and the right to stay, antifascism, queer feminisms, or food sovereignty – in different places, and little time is left for exchange.

Start:28/08/2017 20:07

Geachte heer Van Rijn en mevrouw Donders - de Leest,

op 2 september gaat u namens de regering deelnemen aan de herdenking van de slachtoffers tijdens de koloniale oorlog van 1945 tot 1949 in toenmalig Nederlands Oost-Indië, bij het zg. 'Nationaal Indië Monument' in Roermond.

Tuesday 29 augustus 2017
Start:18/08/2017 00:00
Einde:29/08/2017 23:00

What is CoMo again?

From the 18th to the 29th of August, the CoMo Camp is bringing together people from different social struggles and movements to develop new perspectives for emancipatory politics. We often struggle with different focuses – climate justice, freedom of movement and the right to stay, antifascism, queer feminisms, or food sovereignty – in different places, and little time is left for exchange.

Start:24/08/2017 10:42
Einde:29/08/2017 10:42

Ende Gelände 2017 - Rhineland Open Pit Mines


Start:24/08/2017 13:22
Einde:29/08/2017 13:22
Wednesday 30 augustus 2017
Start:30/08/2017 22:36

Verslag van de eerste G20 rechtzaak tegen Nederlandse activist

Oproep tot solidariteit!

De G20 in Hamburg en de protesten daaromheen zijn nu twee maanden geleden, maar mogen niet vergeten worden. Vanaf dag één zijn de acties tegen de G20-top met harde hand onderdrukt. Door het extreme politiegeweld en de escalatietechnieken zijn honderden mensen gewond geraakt en opgepakt.

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