Indymedia NL
Vrij Media Centrum Nederland
Indymedia NL is een onafhankelijk lokaal en mondiaal vrij communicatie orgaan. Indymedia biedt een andere kijk op het nieuws door een open publicatie methode van tekst, beeld & geluid.
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is it a joke? 
foreigner skinny drug user loser - 08.07.2009 15:33

do you mean the people from scub made both the graffiti & post that fucking horrible picture? for sure it's much more revolutionary and emancipatory be all the time trying to show how 100% dogmatically correct you are and trying always to find something wrong to say about others.. why don't you go out of the computer for a while? don't have any opinion about the other graffitis like the "equal rights & justice"? mmm.. wait, i think this one must be also wrong: i think it's sexist cause obviously the drawing represents a male and also.. "equal rigths" it's counter-revolutionary cause the real anarchists don't believe in rigths granted by any authority and of course we want nothing to do with the bourgeois concept of "justice".

you know what? this is f***** ridiculous (i covered FUCKING 'cause I don't wanna hurt your feelings), more than 100 people got homeless yesterday and it seems some persons don't gives a shit about.

ps: by the way the writer who made the graffiti is a mexican woman, and she has her own ideas & reasons to express whatever she wants.

pps: is there any way to get any of you, masters of censorship and correctness, for the next events i wanna make? i wouldn't like to step out of the thin line of the straight super perfect revolution..
foreign skinny junkie squatter - 08.07.2009 16:38

people lost their homes?? come on they still draw gasmasks in 2009 how ridiculous! that's the important thing you can gather from this post!
this people don't even speak dutch in most cases.
maybe they should just go back to where they came from!
macho slogan on window SCUB 
Quico - 07.07.2009 23:58

Nice macho graffiti. As far as I know "chinga tu madre", is Mexican Spanish for "Fuck your mother". Very revolutionary! Very emancipatory! A couple of days ago we could see another posting here on Indymedia ( , it has been deleted after a couple of days and a whole load of complaints) from somebody with a macho hoody fucking a cop in his arse while pointing a gun at his head, what you could also see as rape. Is this the new level were heading for? Sorry but it makes me puke...
doe maar normaal 
huub - 08.07.2009 13:43

Wat is toch in godsnaam dat fetisjisme met gasmaskers? Ik zie ze overal terugkomen in graffities en leuzen, jouw vrijheid stinkt naar traangas(???). Het is in mijn berekening precies 8.5 jaar geleden dat er bij een ontruiming in Amsterdam traangas is gebruikt.
Dus doe maar even normaal. Zorg er eerst maar voor dat jullie een goed verhaal (kraakgroep de pijp en oostzaanstraat doen het wel!) op papier krijgen en organiseer dan eens een goede rel.
Daarna kunnen jullie misschien stoer doen met gasmaskers.

Voor nu is het alleen maar subcultureel dwepen met een tijd die jullie echt niet hebben meegemaakt. Beetje zielig misschien.
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