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[a'dam 2morro, 13.00h] soli demo for catalan anarchist international solidarity - 02.08.2009 22:12
Tomorrow at 13.00 h, solidarity concentration/demo for Nuria Portulas & against state repression in front of the Spanish Consulate in Amsterdam (Frederiksplein, 34).  This concentration is in support of Nuria Portulas, a Catalan anarchist that acted in solidarity with a prisoner in Italy and as consequence has been criminalized under the anti-terrorist law in Spain. The sentence condemning Nuria Portulas for “attempt of collaboration with terrorist organization” is totally without foundation because the Italian anarchist group that National Spanish Courts make reference to haven't been processed as a terrorist group in Italy. The only person that was judged in that case was Juan Sorroche, who was found not guilty more than one year ago of the crime of belonging to any terrorist organization . The sentence for Nuria is also based on the blue agenda that was intercept in an irregular way by Catalan police “Mossos d'Esquadra” during a solidarity campaign for the imprisoned Juan Sorroche in 2007. In that agenda she mentions few basic quotes about the security systems in three different public institutions that, as she declares, were taken with the intention of doing graffiti and solidarity poster actions. Even though, the Spanish State considers this information as a prove of the possible planning of future attacks from a non existent Italian terrorist group. The rest of the proofs are built from fanzines, leaflets, posters, cd's and politic stickers intercepted in the social center in which Nuria Portulas was living. This sentence represents a very dangerous precedent as a clear attack against freedom of speech and thought. We ask for the absolution of Nuria and all the other anarchist prisoners. For the end of the repression and of the whole prison system. |
Lees meer over: europa vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | map of the place | nn - 02.08.2009 22:33
 Frederiksplein 34. | nn | nn - 03.08.2009 10:05
great action! Its always nice for people to support each other internationally. Thanks from far away, in solidarity.
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